Thursday 4 January 2018

Trust God: Good Orderly Direction

Portugal last December....

One afternoon my sisters and I stopped to

watch these young 

wind surfers

testing themselves against the elements.

It's a sport I'd love to have speed through waves fly above the be strong enough to hold the trust the thermals..... to feel all that weather in my be immersed in water and not be drowning.
 In a different life I didn't have.

Today after the wind and gales and rain in the night I discovered a puddle of water on the utility floor and I thought the roof might be leaking again  - it may be, but I'm waiting for the builder to come back to me.

 It also made me think about moving house.....and what would it be like to live somewhere else. This has been our home for fourteen years. It's full of our life together.
I'm just imagining it .....just me in an unknown house. Hard to make a picture of something I don't a different life.

And I know there is no rush....just a tiny movement in a direction I haven't contemplated yet. As Julia Cameron reminds me in 

Life Lesson 123

Little one, surrender your sense of urgency.
There is no emergency. 
Trust God: Good Orderly Direction.
Accept the wisdom of your own unfolding.
Receive God's timing as your own.
Cultivate calm.
Do not rush forward, pushing events to unfold with unnatural speed.
The Universe moves at the precise pace that serves your highest good.
Trust Divine Order to be in your best interests.
Relax your tempo.


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