Friday 24 January 2020

The Weight of a Chopping Board

A dear friend sent me this  lovely message....

Giving myself time....trying not to make it finite...if I think that I may only have for example 20 years left, it sounds so little and makes me panic...I can't imagine it anyway.
So I'm giving  myself time NOT do make big decisions.

Today I made a little decision.  In TKMAX I bought a new wooden chopping board to replace the one I have used nearly every day for 33 years which was a wedding present. It is still a good solid board, but it wobbles and  it's very heavy to lift now. The new one is made of bamboo.
I never imagined that getting older might mean that the weight of a chopping board would become something to consider. 
 Or that when we got married there would be a finite number of years for us.
In this day 24th January 2014  - New Zealand - walking in beautiful gardens in Auckland.
Four years into Robin's illness - 2 years and 9 months left. 
I'm glad we didn't know the date then.
And I'm glad I don't know mine.
I'm going to another funeral tomorrow...maybe that's why I'm thinking about it. 
Just feeling sad tonight. 
And remembering my lovely man.


  1. Trish - I'm still here reading your blog, but not always knowing what to say. xx

  2. Thank you for keeping on writing! xx

  3. Dear Belinda - bless you thank you - and you really don't need to comment - I do know you are there and reading me and it's lovely and enough ..I don't know what to say most of the time as well so that makes two of us! xx
