Monday 6 January 2020

Christmas and Birthdays and One Directional Sheep

Since I was last here....
A 40th birthday celebration for my nephew.
Wonderful lemon drizzle cake made by his sister-in-law and
a wonderful grazing table brunch... 
 provided by his wife....enjoyed by us all.
I was up early many mornings...
getting ready for Christmas...
in a relentlessly frenetic fashion.
 Occasionally I stopped in my tracks to gaze at the sheep and marvelled at the way they sometimes stood stock still, all of them for a long time, not moving a muscle as if they were in a trance ......waiting for something.....communing with each other. 
I envy their simple one directional life.
My stress compounded by my self inflicted need to finish decorating ...
and start putting the rooms back together ...still not ready by Christmas Eve.
My Christmas tree...
Dawn of Christmas morning...
Christmas lunch in my sunny kitchen
for 3 of us. 
I made a veggie version of a Beef Wellington - based on chestnuts and beetroot  - to make it pink... thank you The Happy Pear...
and trout with almonds for brother in law.
The long tailed tits entertained us while we ate.
More early mornings.

more cooking and shopping and present making and wrapping ...
all worth it...
to have nearly all my family here for 2 more birthdays on the same day.
The Panettone Marmalade Bread and Butter pudding was over baked but no-one seemed to mind...
including my amazing sister  - here celebrating climbing to the highest point in the playground on her 73rd birthday ...
determined not to be outdone by her great nephew and niece.
And amazing many layered and decorated birthday cake made by
my nephew for his father and his aunty - a triumph.
Today I do ordinary things - the washing, chopping vegetables for soup - fat leeks and carrots, parsnips and sweet cabbage - taking down the Christmas cards, watching the birds through the kitchen window, reading my novel....easing myself into the new year and the unfamiliar feeling of not knowing what to do next with no clear signposts ahead.

I'm letting the sheep be my guide for now....standing very still inside....waiting...communing.
And making soup for my belly.
And my soul.


  1. Brilliant - I love your comments about the sheep. Such delightful creatures. Standing still and waiting is exactly what I need too at the moment. Thank you. Good to have you back. xx

  2. You are welcome dear B. Thank you too. Xx
