Tuesday 24 September 2019

Living in Better Conditions

" Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions".

Another cheap room is self criticism/ self punishment.
This morning with help of lovely therapist/kinesologist I dig deep into the buried treasure in the pain in my back, my thumb to see what is that wants to be witnessed.
"I want you to know I'm hurting",
 says my thumb.
And instead of being angry with my thumb and my back, blaming them for stopping me doing what I want, I feel remorse for treating my body badly. All these years. Neglecting it, punishing it.
My body didn't do anything wrong.
I haven't done anything wrong. 
Even when it hurts I haven't done anything wrong.
 So there is no need to criticise and blame.
The pain is information, something to listen to with love.
 Not a stick to beat me with. 
So now I'm only feeling gratitude and kindness towards my body.
And it doesn't hurt nearly so much.

My therapist suggests Earthing to help all the inflammation in my back, in my blaming thoughts.
 To walk barefoot on the wet grass, on a beach on the earth. 
And then the exchange can take place.
The exchange of ions.
 At the moment I have too many positive ions in me (ie inflammation/ self critical thoughts )which I could release through my feet...in exchange for receiving the balancing negative ions available in the ground.
  I was doing it ...walking on the grass of my garden in bare feet, even for a few minutes a day....then the weather changed so I stopped....got out of the habit.
But I could start again inspite of the weather...sit on the step of my summer house with my feet on the grass...even if it's raining....and eat my lunch at the same time.
Because I want to start living in better conditions.


  1. Thank you for sharing the details of your therapy. It's so helpful. I'm always shy about sharing mine as I'm never sure they'll stand up to the harsh light of people's scepticism, but reading yours makes me realise that's not at all the case. :-)

  2. Oh Belinda that is so re-assuring thank you. I have serious doubts about writing about it...mostly because I get bored with my own process..(.so repetitive - same old patterns!) - and I expect other people to be bored with it as well. xx
