Friday 1 February 2019


My snow day..

not a heavy fall ...

but a bitter wind...

and ice underfoot....

enough to cause me to cancel 

my appointment with the nurse at the surgery 

to have the stitches removed from my left arm and leg.

I treat it as a bunking off school day....

and abandon my desk ....

 but receive  phone calls...

 and stand at the kitchen window and
watch the birds feeding and the snow beginning to thaw.

So  I'm  surprised when my gardener arrives at the back door, pink cheeked, tramping in snow on his wellies....

 I had booked him to come and put up the new bird feeding station  - pole and squirrel baffle -  but I thought snow on the ground  and freezing temperature would put him off. But he says as it's only 2 degrees it isn't a problem. It is for me though and I loose all feeling in my fingers in a few minutes while helping him put it up.

But now I have  this swanky 4 - hook pole, which does wobble about a bit in the wind, adorned with hanging peanut, fat ball and seed feeders and a flat mesh tray as well. All squirrel proofed with a large plastic baffle.....and the bird bath moved away to the corner of the patio as it could be considered a good leaping off point for determined greys.

This one does seem a bit baffled as to the disappearance of the usual  table,

and actually the birds are a bit baffled as well and only visit it briefly all day and don't touch the seed tube.

 I know it will take them a while to get used to a new situation. 
Me too.  I sort of miss it  - the old manky table - I had got used to it in my garden landscape.....and in the photos.  I hope the birds won't be put off altogether.

It unbalances me though, the new view from my kitchen window....and the snow - beautiful as it is - and feeling like it's a holiday but it isn't....I'm not really snowed in like some people are on Dartmoor.

I make  a pan of leek and potato soup to calm myself... ...and stay in the  kitchen to keep warm. I watch an old episode of Agatha Christie's Poirot on Iplayer....till it's time to draw the curtains and make a fire in the grate.

I still can't shake off this discombobulated feeing if I'm frozen solid inside but thawing at the same time ... both numb and slushy.

The forecast is for more snow tomorrow but sun as well....the weather as baffled as I am.


  1. Love the description of your feelings - numb and slushy. I know exactly what you mean. In my case I think it's a sign of new things surfacing and not being quite used to them - and a little bit apprehensive. xx

  2. You put it perfectly - thanks Belinda - that does describe what's going on for me too. Just a note you may not be ale to comment for much longer - Google + are taking down their service - ie will be deleting this blog by April 9th. I'm on the case with Wordpress - not quite there yet! X

  3. Yes, I'm panicking a bit about that, but I told myself that Google + is simply Google's social media site so its closure won't affect blogger (so long as people don't comment through Google+). Am I wrong??? In which case, I'll look into Wordpress too. Bum. x

  4. Yes bum indeed. If you google Google + it tells you how to save/download your data including photos. But I haven't worked it out yet. And it looks like we can't comment from Feb 4th - not much warning! I'm panicking because I have a google email address as well. GGrrr Xx

  5. I have just checked if Google + is shutting downBlogger and it doesn't seem to be...but it was a 2018 you may be right it's just comments....but in my case I think all my photos are on it....even more gggrrrr xx

  6. I went to the FAQs and it definitely says that gmail and blogger - except for comments done through google+ - will not be affected. What that means for your photos, I don't know. I shall keep an eye out for what other Google bloggers do!

  7. Thanks so much Belinda. Yes I have it confirmed too - gmail and blogger not affected and I have found someone to help me save data, check out my photos and set up a Wordpress I'll keep you posted! X
