Tuesday 26 February 2019

Banana Muffins.... and Turning My Face to the Sun

I don't want to make my usual breakfast  -  a fruit smoothie which is jam packed with nuts and seeds and hemp and spirolina powders - the latter colours everything a deep sea green -  fresh chopped turmeric with a grinding of black pepper and kefir yogurt.

I want something hot and simple for my delicate insides. So I  make these Banana and Pecan Blueberry muffins.

Beat 2 eggs with 2 smashed up bananas and 2 tablespoons of ground almonds. Add a handful of blueberries and a few chopped up pecans. Pour into greased ( I used olive oil) muffin tins and bake for about 15 -20 mins at 180 degrees. I made 4 with this mixture. They are really more of a drop scone or pancake mixture but they work well as little muffins - albeit not very well risen muffins.

I also tried out  a vegan version which don't look so pretty but are still pretty good.
Mix one tablespoon of ground up flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water (ie the egg substitute).
 Pour it into a bowl with one mashed up banana, 2 tablespoons of ground almonds, blueberries and pecans as above and a little almond milk if it's too thick. It should be a fairly slack mixture.
Bake as above but for 5-10 mins longer.
They are quite a soft, moist muffin - nicest warm I think. Any left over of both versions keep in the fridge or they can go a bit mouldy. 

 I want to do some planting -  some herbs I bought last year and daffodil and allium bulbs which are in desperate need of soil but as I'm not feeling up to much, before I start I sit for a long time on the bench with a cup of coffee and turn my face to the sun.

I remember my father telling how in Africa if someone wants to die they turn their face to the wall. 
They stop eating and drinking. They choose to go.

Today I choose to turn my face to the sun but I can understand the temptation of the wall.

So after  while I get up and start weeding the little square bed in the patio under the kitchen window, and  plant rosemary and parsley and Vietnamese basil plants in expectation, anticipation of hot fragrance in the summer.
It has been the hottest few days of February since records began - up to 18 degrees in some places. On this day last year it was minus 12 degrees in some places. The bumble bees will be confused.
I'm loving it.

Later on I have a conversation with lovely FengShui consultant to talk over her report about the house. Some radical ideas for me to get my head around.
 But not impossible. Even exciting.  Something definite to show the architect on Friday.
Taking down some walls. Letting the sun into some dark places.


  1. I can't wait to hear about what you do - or plan to do - to the house! x

  2. I'll keep you posted - I will know more on Friday! x
