Tuesday 19 February 2019

Super moon...Close Ups...Emptier Fridge... and "Disruptive Miraculous Possibilities

Super moon last night ...

rising behind the weeping willow

and the oak in my garden.

And it's still not totally dark at 5.30pm My almanac says the sun sets at 17.43 today.

When I open the back door this morning a bumble bee is the first thing I see making rough headway over the new coir mat. At first I think he is injured as he's waving one leg in a peculiar way.

 But he soon rises and flies off and I close the door quickly as I don't want him in the house. I have enough ladybirds inside already.  I'm always rescuing them and setting them free into the sky outside.  Sometimes before I hoover them up by mistake.

I'm using both my old and new cameras at the moment - hence the different colours of these photos. The first one is my new camera but sometimes I can get much better close ups with my old camera.
Like this one....but it's not guaranteed.....nothing ever is if you only point and shoot and hope for the best like I do.

The sun shines warm  through the bedroom window onto my yoga mat this morning so  I  plan to do some gardening ...

after I've done everything else piled up on my desk.

But by the time I'm ready the sun has disappeared,

and a sharp wind has got up.

I'm inspired by an email which I read ( while  avoiding the desk work) from "The Lazy Genius" about de-cluttering your fridge, so I decide to do that instead of the gardening,

and end up with a much emptier fridge and supper for the next 3 days...

 as well as a pot of leek, fennel, spinach and squash soup, I roast beetroots and little onions in one pan

and sweet potatoes, carrots and potatoes in another one...

and cook up apples in their skins with cinnamon and sultanas. Supposed to be very good for your microbiome...and it's delicious anyway. I eat a few spoonfuls every day.

I listen to some Marianne Williamson videos while I'm eating my soup. She's talking about : Accessing your Power without Losing your Heart and Soul.
I find her very inspiring and moving...she makes me want to practise more of the "inner work" in order to be more effective in the "outer work".....doing all the loving and forgiving first.... and moving from knowing to being...from the mind to the heart....to create "disruptive miraculous possibilities"in the world. Not sure what those are for me...but disrupting my inner critic is a good place to start.

 This evening I can't face walking up the hill in the cold wind so I take a different route round the village,

past the thousand year old oak tree on the edge of the recreation ground,

past the Church and the open farmland on the edge of the village and back home.

 Now it's very late....I'm writing this in bed....

this is the moon right now ...... when I got up a few minutes ago to release a ladybird  which was crawling on the lid of my water bottle, and opened the window I looked down on this shimmering orb... the reflection of the  moon in the water of the bird bath...the one which was a wedding present from dear friends...the one with the frog sitting on the rim....tonight he's the guardian of the moon.


  1. I want to comment on everything here! Amazing pics of the moon. I think bees wave a front leg as a warning if they feel threatened. Is that cooking apples or eating apples you cook with their skins on? Do you roast them or cook them with a little liquid? I relate to what you say about the Marianne Williamson videos. Also, thank you for mentioning your aching fingers in your previous post. It makes me feel less bad about my own aches and pains . . . xx

  2. Thanks for lovely comments dear B. SO goo d to hear about the bees - makes perfect sense - I'm sure I gave him a bit of a shock. I use eating apples - they are sweeter and don't need sugar.I poach them in a bit of water till the skin goes shiny - about 10 mins or less. Glad it's not just me with the aches and pains...and more wrinkles and grey hair every day and less stamina! X
