Wednesday 13 February 2019

"I hate sliding doors".

I wake  still feeling a bit dazed and groggy from yesterday.
I'm  thrilled to see clumps of quite rare double snowdrops,

in amongst the normal, single-petalled snowdrops in the steep banks lining the road as I walk up the hill this morning. 

I take a different route from my usual circular one...lovely rolling views...

past a sign for a brewery... a rural enterprise I imagine... but not much use to me as I don't drink beer. 

Sheep are back in the fields...

I stop to drink water after the steep climb...feeling slow and very unfit.

I get as far as the locally named 'Chriscross' and then

turn back... 

I think this could  be a very early flowering cherry ...only one or two blossoms high up on naked branches.. 

the only sounds are the chattering birds - mostly sparrows and robins.. and planes ...

I stop to take a photo when I spot what I think is a raptor with a wide wing span and hooked beak in the wide blue sky...

but he quickly disappears from view and I catch sight of the half moon instead

which also quickly disappears behind floating cloud.

I feel much more energised and grounded when I come home....the front garden doesn't look so big and problematic as it is in my mind.
 In not sure why but I haven't been able to take in too much about the feng shui session was so intense, so many wonderful ideas, and advice and suggestions......and I'm sure the lovely consultant was working her magic on all sorts of levels...but leaving me in  overwhelm.

One thing she said stands out..
I'm going into the kitchen with her and I say,
'I  hate sliding doors.'  
(They are in three places in the house).
She says,
" Try not to  hate anything about the house. It is listening and it will feel your disapproval. Even though you are going to change everything, try and love it as it is now and then it will be easier to make it how you want it in the future".

It made me think about loving all the hated and always criticised places in myself, all the places that have never been exposed to the light of my approval. I could reclaim them, love them, notice what words I'm saying to myself, in the same way as I could  accept and be grateful for the sliding doors which are doing a good job for now. 
And Now is the best place from where to shine my light. 


  1. Lovely description (and pics) of your walk and such wise words from your Feng Shui person. I've never thought of applying that philosophy to inanimate objects but it makes total sense. I'm struggling with a new sewing machine at the moment after having the same one for 45 years - I must stop punishing the new machine for being different from my old one! As you say, it's doing a good job for now. xx

  2. It's so good to be reminded isn't it - I'd forgotten too - and about talking to the plants...I do talk to my car though and say how grateful I am that it is so reliable! How wonderful that you sew - I never mastered the art of it - and with a mother was a great seamstress and I remember listening to the sound of her electric sewing machine in the dining room when I was a child when I was lying on my bed in the afternoons. But that is a marvellous faithful service of 45 years ...a loss it must be hard to adapt ... Xx

  3. Yes, the machine was a 21st birthday present from my parents and now they're both gone. It seems connected. x

  4. Yes I'm sure it is connected - with some things is is hard to hold on to the love and still let go of the item and all its memories.... X
