Thursday 21 February 2019

Not too bad..breathtaking delight....and doing my best

I nearly didn't stop at Killerton House on my way home from the farmers' market,

because I was tired and  it's half term and I guessed the paths would be congested and noisy with children and babies in buggies,

and hard to park.  But it wasn't too bad - "as we say in English" - as Robin used to say and 

 I'm so glad I did, or I would have missed the glorious magnolia in full rose pink bloom,

the carpets of 

daffodils under the trees, mixed up 

with crocuses,

which I hadn't noticed 

are two-toned

 striated mauve and purple.

 I love looking down on the house from the high path,

plenty of space for me and all the families picnicking on the grass below,

having fun, enjoying the surprise of the sunshine.

Back home I take photos of the solitary crocus  - a shining sentinel in my thick carpet of snowdrops covering the sloping bank outside the kitchen.

It must be a different variety  from the two-toned ones at Killerton  - a deep velvety amethyst.
And  after a late lunch I'm utterly thrilled to look up from the sink

 and spot this sleek, apricot-golden chested nuthatch

exploring the bird feeder.
 It's only the second time I've seen it in the garden and the first time it's stayed long enough, only a few seconds, for me to grab my camera and zoom in before it flies off towards the oak tree. 
It's the same feeling I had when I saw the greater spotted woodpecker and the gold finch for the first time  - breathtaking  delight.

I've recently been reminded of The Four Agreements - by don Miguel Ruiz. I've printed them out and stuck them on the wall above my desk. He has now added a Fifth one.
But it is the Fourth one that I've been thinking about today.

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well-rested. Under any circumstance simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse and regret.

 I've been exceptionally tired all day - not sure why  - longing to just lie down but none the less keeping on and keeping upright.
Till finally late afternoon, even though the sun is shining and I  could be gardening,  because I have a bad stomach pain, I lie with a hot water bottle on the sofa.
And I know this counts as doing my best. No guilt in sight.

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