Thursday 27 October 2016

Dedicated To Robin

This is the beautiful flower mala created by my sister-in-law in Fiji for Robin. She and my brother live in a spiritual community there. It will be taken at 5am to the 'Brightness Temple' of their teacher to accompany a Blessing Request to assist Robin in the transitioning out of his life. And out of ours.

I can even smell the rich perfume of the frangipani flowers - they are very precious on the island and have only just started to return after the devastation of the hurricane a few months ago. I am so grateful to them both.

And grateful for this quote from their spiritual teacher, Master Da, about life and death.

What is more than Wonderful is not threatened.

It helped me to get through this morning when I went to register Robin's death at the Register of Births Marriages and Deaths, and I became 

widow of the deceased.

And coffee with dear friends afterwards also helped to keep me going - especially as they showered me with  beautiful and yummy late birthday gifts.

This afternoon I wrote emails about changing the venue for the Thanksgiving service, about the menu for the caterers, about sourcing hot water tea urns and coffee cups. And read the continuous stream of emails and cards that keep coming in as more more people find out that Robin has died. Some people I don't know but whose hearts he touched.
This from one person,

Sorry to hear that Robin Currie has passed away. Visionary, holistic helper, and a stand for transformation. I am grateful to have met him and for his lasting presence and impact.

This evening our Deeksha meditation is dedicated to Robin . Afterwards we sit in the circle with cups of tea and gorgeous courgette cake and they share their memories of him. They have all been marvellous supporters, accompanying us on our journey through his illness. Many of them have been dedicated visitors and helpers, drivers of many miles in the Devon countryside, listeners to his endless PBWs,  listeners to endless Abba songs at full volume, sugar bowl removers in cafes,  shoppers of biscuits, and table tennis players.

We laugh and cry and I am so full of gratitude for them.... and for Robin ....and for how he has blessed our lives by finally opening up his heart to himself and to all of us. Even at the cost of losing his own life.

Before I knew him in his parents back garden. He didn't have a beard when I met him in 1982 but he still had those braces....and he was more likely to have a beer in his hand than a cup of tea....

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