Thursday 30 June 2016

Little Breakdowns

Tonight I have 'a little bit of a breakdown' in the words of Paul his song Gumboots...

I was having this discussion
in a taxi heading downtown
rearranging my position
on this friend of mine
who'd had a little bit of a breakdown
I said hey you know breakdowns come
and breakdowns go so
what are you gonna do about it,
that's what I'd like to know

I don't know what to do about  mine.  I was on the involved pee in the slippers again ....and this time I knew it would happen and asked him to stand and pee... but he wouldn't so it was a flood on the floor again....and then my own floodgates opened ....while I'm mopping up....

At least I'm feeling it...all that rage and hopelessness.... the harshness of it .... telling myself I can't do it any more when I know I can...know I will carry on....just soaking my pillow....nothing to do about it....breakdowns come and breakdowns go.....

And I never got to finish my conversation on the phone which is even more upsetting....nothing rational about little breakdowns....

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