Thursday 16 June 2016

Bees and Lovely Day

Feasting summer bees and water boatman .

Too tired to write  coherently tonight. 

 Such a lovely day....delving around in the boxes of baby carrots and true spinach and fennel fronds at the farmers'  and catch up with dear friends.....a wonderful invitation to a night out - a free ticket to a new restaurant opening  next month - party frock required.....haircut at different hairdresser - local and  cheap..... efficient young woman who consulted me at each stage before she chopped - won't know till tomorrow when I wash it myself but feeling positive.....sit in the sun for half an hour with my book before going to pick up Robin.

 Back home, after Waitrose  and Plants Galore shopping, I move all the furniture around in the sitting room.....making space for loan of riser recliner chair from the MND society for Robin arriving at 8.30 in the morning. Even though he's not keen....

Will return to  burgeoning TO DO list tomorrow....busy as the bees again.

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