Wednesday 20 March 2019

A piece of rare music....

Another day with my dear sisters and the archive.
 Our reward, when all the purple lidded boxes are full to the brim and labelled, is lunch - mushroom frittata with asparagus rice salad and left over puddings with custard.

 Back home the men in the field next door are shredding all the hazel saplings they have been cutting down and piling up in great heaps for the last few days.

The noise is high pitched and head-boring so I walk out past them and up the hill, along the field footpath and enter a world of the most wonderful, heart-stopping stillness. Not even a butterfly movement of sound occasional sheep bleating far away....a blackbird if the trees and the grass are holding their breath, waiting for something momentous to happen.

I stand and listen to this vaulted cathedral of a piece of rare music I've never heard before....leaving its melody in my I can re-visit it anytime, anywhere. 
And when I return it's already dusk,  the men have stopped tearing the air with their shrieking machine and I'm so grateful for that.

This is the last blog for a little while....I'm going to Portugal at the weekend  - Robin and I used to go every March. This time a dear friend is coming to join me for a few days...and I'll be back here in April.


  1. Beautiful description of the stillness - my absolutely favourite sort of weather. xx

  2. Oh thanks Belinda - I'm discovering it is mine too..sometimes its hard not to use cliches writing about what has been written about so often...which doesn't change my feeling about it either...xx
