Wednesday 7 August 2019

Missing My Walk... July Photo Blog Number Five ....and Death of Birds

No walk this morning. I have an early appointment and need to make a salad lunch for a dear friend before I leave the house.

I miss it  - my morning ritual -  but it's good too, not to make it into an obsession. Or to get up so early to fit it in that I'm knackered by 11am.

This evening I walk in the  coolness of the garden instead, nursing  a cup of tea -  the soft wet grass under my feet like a mossy sponge - bringing me home to myself.

PHOTO BLOG NUMBER 5 - Most of July.

The first and best English cherries I bought from M&S ...

Acanthus growing through the bars of the front gate...

from inside the shelter of my oak tree...

female chaffinch without  horrible disease...very much alive...till later.

I was so thrilled to see this male woodpecker with his red cap ...only the female has visited before.


Mullberry fallen from a big tree in someone's garden over arching the path into the village ..quite unlike the fat purple ones I  grew up eating in Africa.

What a view he must have...

sweet robin on farm gate....never far away..

cotton wool puffed clouds and late cow parsley.

On the morning of my sister's 70th birthday party for all the little people in her life I came downstairs early to start cooking and a fox was standing on the grass outside the back door. He stayed stock sill and looked at me then turned and loped off towards the end of the garden.  I grabbed my camera and followed him and just got one photo of his tail disappearing into the trees beyond the stream. It was magical to look into his eyes just for those brief seconds - something I'll never forget.

It stayed with me all day at the party....toasting marshmallows

 with the children over a smokey fire...

over indulging in my millionaire's shortbread...

and spending time in the company of new and tiny people and my precious great nephew and great nieces - even more magical.

Baby robin...

young thrush...

 my first sight of a swallow on the telegraph wire which crosses my front garden one morning on return from my walk. I think it's a swallow...could be a house martin...swallows always remind me of one of our holidays in Majorca....we stayed in a villa with a pool and every evening the swallows used  to arrive and swoop  out over the water.... dipping wings and beaks ...scooping up insects on the surface ...magical.

Heart broken one morning to find this beautiful goldfinch dead in the grass below the lilac tree. She didn't seem to be injured...maybe she flew into the window. Feeling terrible, I took a trowel and buried her under the hazel hedge marking her shallow grave with the last purple rhododendron flower from the bush next to the hedge.  

A few days later I was sitting at the kitchen table and heard a soft thud against the window. I went out and found a young female chaffinch lying upside down on the concrete slab. I prayed she was only stunned and picked her up and cradled her in my hands...thinking I could feel her heart beating...but then I felt her leave ...knowing she was dead... crying, I carried her tiny, feather light, still warm body and buried her near to the goldfinch, leaving yellow rose petals to mark her grave.

I feel it's  my fault -  the death of these birds - maybe the bird feeder is too close to the house and I should move it. My friend says put butterfly stickers on the windows to warn them. I keep forgetting to do it.It makes me feel careless that I do that...forget things so quickly....always something else to do....another priority takes over.

July moon  - full on 15th.

Thanks B, for saying such a lovely thing about capturing the souls of the farm animals in my photos...I'm just in awe of their curiosity and trust in me... that I mean them no harm.

And yes do Google a video of Marie Kondo folding a T- shirt - it is inspiring! When I folded all the T shirts in my T -shirt drawer instead of stacking them ( messily) on top of each other, I was amazed  - for a start I didn't have as many as I thought I had and now I can see each of them and I have all this space in the drawer as well  because I got rid of lots of them - miraculous! 

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