Thursday 8 August 2019

Cancer Roll Call .....and Photo Blog Number Six

 Cancer Roll call

My cousin
My cousin
The wife of my cousin
The daughter of my friend
My therapist
The son of my friend
The son of my friend 
The grandson of my friend
The mother- in-law of my niece
The father-in-law of my niece
My nephew
His wife
Her step mother
and yesterday
the twin brother of my friend.

In their blood and prostate
in breast and bowel
in cervix and liver
in pancreas and penis
and stomach and spine.

Living with it
recovering from it
in remission from it
dying with it.

In them
not in me.
You can't catch cancer
from someone else
But my heart is invaded  
all the same
 scorched by the wildfire of
 their loss.

July After Rain


  1. The toad and the snail are so clear they look like statues. (Perhaps they are!) Tragic picture of the dead beetle with all her eggs. What a terrible cancer roll-call - but it made me realise that all one can be is thankful for one does have at the moment. It put everything in perspective. x

  2. Hi Belinda - Hooray I think I have found a way to comment by using a different browser! Thanks so much for your kind words.Yes I thought the toad was dead at first he was so stock still! At the moment I'm grateful for every single thing I have and especially all the precious people in my life. Bless you. X
