Friday 26 April 2019

A Caterpillar Day

I don't  know what this profusely flowering succulent is but it is trailing all over the wall of the  border  by the swimming pretty.

The lilac tree that escaped the chop...

The squirrel and Robin's ceramics...

He doesn't know whose head he sits on ...but I do.

Siskin and house sparrow sharing the bird feeder...

a pair of starlings are flying in more and more often....

but I rarely see  the beautiful thrush these days.

Today I make another small spring onion and smoked cheddar cheese quiche - this time to share with my lovely cousin who is coming to lunch tomorrow.

These words have helped a dear friend through her dark times...

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was turned into a butterfly."

It's been a caterpillar day for me...creeping along with my sore aching  body, but spending time with a dear friend and her adorable 7 month old grandson was a lovely distraction.

I can't hear the distant flap of the butterfly wings yet but I'm listening... 


  1. Love the quote - you're already a butterfly to me. Adorable squirrel pictures. What a variety of birds you have at your table. xx

  2. Oh, dear Belinda, what a lovely thing to say - thank you it makes me feel I may be closer than I feel sometimes.
    I do feel so blessed to have all these different birds visiting the table....they keep me grounded somehow...feeding them, cleaning the table and the bird baths is a daily ritual now. X
