Monday 29 October 2018


Saturday night...

Sunday morning....

and the drop in temperature has halted the invasion of black flies

and ladybirds ...they have been swarming against my windows for days.

We didn't have time to throw rose petals into the sea on Robin's anniversary, 

so on Sunday I stood on the little wooden  bridge over my stream

and released them into the water, which doesn't flow very fast, so they gathered

like soft papery jewels in the green corners of the banks,

waiting for a stronger current to float them onward.

More glistening jewels brightening my usual circular field  walk...

late cherries

and rowan berries( maybe?)....

and the clouds are



autumn dropping all around me.

I've been in indulging in  a"no plans" day
letting tasks fall off my TO DO list
 like dry leaves
catching in the wind
allowing  myself 
 to meander with the 
 rose petals
stopping to 
observe my surroundings - 
the sparrows chittering on the bird table - 
my aloneness -
in the cold air 
of my house,
my mind.


  1. The tree you think might be rowan is I think spindle - not that common round here - when the pink flowers (?) open they're bright orange inside - very dramatic. x

  2. On second thoughts, it could be rowan!

  3. Thanks B..I found I have a spindle berry tree in the garden! I posted a photo of it but not sure what it was...think the leaf is different from this I'll call it rowan unless I can find out anything else! X
