Tuesday 13 March 2018

Images of Lisbon and Practising Trust

Images of Lisbon

For a few days I left my watery retreat in the Algarve....took a train to Lisbon....and visited some dear friends who are making it their new home.
We walked the streets...the market ....the parks...the churches....the cemetery.

Walked and talked under the umbrella dodging puddles and dog shit.... re-connecting...remembering old times...and making new memories.

These images of Lisbon all taken on my iPhone so the quality is a bit dodgy.


The unexpected lift of blue sky and intermittent sunshine. 

After fab mezze lunch in Lebanese restaurant with two gorgeous women I take my secateurs into the garden and snip back all the dead and dying stems of geraniums and hellebores, fern fronds and agapanthus leaves, all damaged by the slaying snow and frost and ice last week.

And I wonder if I will be re-planting them this summer - my geraniums - or will I be leaving them for the new occupants of the house - or taking them with me to my new home.

 The estate agent says the market is frustratingly quiet.....no one calling to make a date for a viewing.
But I'm not worried yet....practising my trust in everything happens the perfect time order  and sequence.

 But as trusting is not my strongest suit it's so good to have dear people in my life reminding me....


  1. What a colourful and interesting place Lisbon looks. I like the subjects you've chosen for your pictures - not always the expected ones. Bx

  2. Thanks for commenting Belinda...I so appreciate it. I loved Lisbon....Robin and I spent a lovely few days there several years ago and we stayed near the centre so the photos this time, mostly in Estela, were very different. Although I do seem fatally attracted to ducks wherever I am ! X
