Tuesday 9 October 2018

....nourish the ground.

Today it is easy to set  aside the mess and the muddle.

A dear friend treats me to a sumptuous birthday mezze lunch in a cosy pub in a  sun drenched Dartmoor village ...autumn leaves falling all around us. I am truly nourished and blessed.

Later I walk with my camera around the gardens at Castle Drogo.... roses still flourishing in this October bonus warmth. Following in the familiar shadow footsteps of the many times I walked here with Robin.

I am also being nourished and helped by another birthday gift. A book called 

  The Way of Rest by Jeff Foster.

I haven't come across him before but his words have a flavour of Rumi in them.
He may become my new bible.
When I read this poem, Indecision it spoke to me immediately. I have been remembering it all day....  the mess and the muddle have been feeling much less of a burden....when I remember to breathe and nourish the ground where I stand...the wobbly wavering unknown unsafe ground inside me.

 Indecision by Jeff Foster

Friend, please,
do not try to decide now.
Do not shut any possibility out of your heart.
Honour this place of not knowing.

Bow before this bubbling mess of creativity.
Slow down. Breathe.
Sink into wonderment.
Befriend the very place where you stand.
Any decision will make itself, in time.
Any choice will happen when your defences are down.
Answers will appear only when they are ready.
When the questions have been fully honoured and loved.

Do not label this place "indecision".
It is more alive than that.
It is a place where possibilities grow.
It is a place where uncertainty is sacred.
There is courage in staying close.
There is strength in not knowing.
There is power in doubt.

Friend, please know,
there is simply no choice now.
Except to breathe and breathe again,
and trust this Intelligence beyond mind.

A decision will grow, but for today nourish the ground.

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