Wednesday 2 May 2012

How Do You Live From Your Heart?

2nd May 2012 Wednesday
We have been told about an amazing man from Mexico who performs miraculous healings. He’s visiting Newton Abbot this week. Our friends say, ‘you must go.’
I imagine him laying his hands on my husband’s head...... and then he’s all better -  like he used to be.
We wait for him - this healer -  about thirty of us squished into a very small hot room with the strains of Ave Maria playing round our heads. When he comes in he’s wearing a mask across his mouth and a heavy woven blanket. His eyes are pale and fierce. We all join hands and he walks around to each of us, tapping, jabbing at a chest, a leg, a stomach and holding his hand on a head, looking into our eyes. 
Afterwards he asks, through an interpreter, if anyone has questions. He replies to one woman that she must live from her heart. My husband asks him,
‘How do you live from your heart?’
You know,’ he replies.
My husband says he doesn’t.
After a bit, when it’s clear my husband won’t be satisfied, the healer says,
‘You must work on yourself.’
After he leaves the room a sweet woman talks to us about the best diet to eat - basically vegan but allowing some eggs and honey. We are invited to come back again.The mission of the healer is not just to heal us but to heal the world.
I guess today’s miracle was realising that when I accuse my husband of resistance I don’t want to face my own.....noticing how often I want to be right .....and how marvellous that I have another chance in the very next moment to live from my heart instead. Even if I don't always take it.

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