Tuesday 4 June 2019

Early Morning Walk and Show Your Love

Within minutes I'm t totally soaked - up to my elbows -  from all the plants and weeds crowding 
over the narrow footpath which runs along the edge of  the wheat field,
and I have to hold my camera above my head to stop it getting wet.

It's wonderful to be out in the  early morning coolness  - although it's pretty damp - even before the village wakes up.
It's early for me anyway ...but I have a lot to do and my days have a habit of running away with me....  sometimes my walk gets lost or forgotten in my busyness.

A sleepy bumble bee  resting on my doormat this morning when I come home from my walk. I''m so happy to see it and so glad I didn't step on it.

And now my busy busy day is done .
I was going to use this quote from Robert Holden that I read this morning, to inform my day, but I forgot about it. 

Wherever you go today,
Whoever you are with,
Whatever you do,
do this - 
Show your love.

I forgot to do it but I like it as a mantra...as a practice.  For me it means being willing to be vulnerable first.
Something else I forget to do is to breathe properly -  especially when I'm stressed.  Which I am at the moment....my cortisol levels are raised, my adrenals in overdrive. So today my  lovely kinesiologist reminds me of the yoga breathing practise of breathing in to the count of 4 or 5 and breathing out more slowly to the count of 8 or 10. It is this out breath that does the calming down.
Breathing out the fear.
Breathing in the love.

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