When I went on my walk the other day I expected the footpath to be as narrow, overgrown and jungly as it was a few days ago. But it had been strimmed by the council into a broad clear route bordering the wheat field.
This afternoon I put on my wellies and cleared the jungle of nettles, cow parsley, goosegrass, buttercups and brambles all along the lower banks of the stream. I waded through the shallow running water working my way up to the waterfall, which was completely obscured behind an overhanging curtain of elder and hazel branches.
It's all in a good cause - tomorrow my great nephew is coming to spend the day with me and I know he likes messing about in streams. I don't want him to be put off by the forest of weeds and nettles which would be towering above his head.
I received this book in the post today. I have seen an interview with her - Jane Duncan Rogers - and found her warm and wise and inspiring. I've dipped into it and already she is describing my experience of loss exactly...I still find myself in unexpected tears almost every day. I'm especially interested in the re-birth section.
And now I'm taking a break from blogging for a short while...
feeling the need to re-assess, to find a way through my own jungle of grief which keeps being re-newed.
Like the leopard I want to find a way to rest more between spurts of hunting..... changing my late night blogging habit would be good.
Back soon.