Tuesday 6 November 2018

Blog frustration and the wild wind

A few random photos of Portugal...this time last year with my dear sisters.

I'm posting them because I'm getting ready to go there at the end of the week for our annual sisters' retreat.
It's also because I'm having a terrible time with this blog...the photos won't upload unless I fiddle about with them and edit them and even then some appear quite randomly and others won't. It's taking frustratingly long.
And now I can't reply to any comments. Thank you dear B for your last 3 which I have been trying to respond to and instead I get a message saying 'oops an error' but when I try and follow their instructions nothing happens.
I feel like giving up .....maybe it's a message that I should.

The wind is howling and prowling outside like a wild creature. I'm learning the new sounds of it round the house. A whistling and a roaring down the chimney( no fire lit on this unseasonably warm November night).....a rattling and a flapping of the cover of wall air vent in the sitting room.....a tugging and a scraping of the recycling bins outside the kitchen door. I suddenly feel homesick for the sounds of our old house...for my old life in Exeter.

And even so I've had a lovely day ....mint tea and catch up with my sister....scrambled egg, mushrooms and avocado birthday lunch with three dear friends....cooking up a big pot of lentil and spinach dhal ....dreaming up ideas for the house  - the architect comes with the drawings from the  measured survey tomorrow. 

And  now letting myself feel the tiredness, the weariness, the overwhelm, seep into every pore...taking the call of the wild wind to bed with me.


  1. No worries, Trish. I had trouble blogging a few years ago and ended up having to use a different internet programme (Mozilla Firefox rather than Internet Explorer). Now I use Google Chrome. Lentil dhal with spinach - yum - I shall copy that (with Swiss chard hanging on in the garden). Love the photo of the cormorants (?).
