Tuesday 13 January 2015

A Womb Room

I'm lucky enough to have a room in my house - this room I'm writing in now - at the top of the house, under the eaves - which I call my room. But sitting in it this afternoon, with my sister, with the wind and rain slashing the sash window, examining everything I can see, I discover that although I have some nice things in my room and it is light and airy - it tells the story of someone who has given up on herself....  abndoned herself, neglected herself.....tolerating old, too short and stained curtains, a broken chair, pictureless walls, a hard uncomfortable futon, cluttered surfaces, books I haven't read that make me feel guilty, a table and bookshelves that just ended up in here, a plant behind an old computer.

Nothing to reflect the essence of me.

 But by answering the questions posed by Cheryl Richardson in the chapter of her book, Extreme Self Care, about Soul Loving Space, and with my sister's gentle guidance,  I had a delicious glimpse of a different room....a tiny shiver of anticipation... a hint of vision.....the possibility of creating a beautiful space -  nourishing, clear, serene, full of warmth and softness and colour  - and a big snuggle chair -   a place for my soul to retreat to, to rest and to thrive....a womb room.

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