Sunday 11 January 2015

A Rose For An Aunty

This rose in remembrance of my aunty who died quite suddenly yesterday age 101.

 I spoke to her on the phone a few days ago and I've been thinking about her and her family and mine all day.

 We celebrated her 100th birthday on August 31st, 2013.... she was wearing a beautiful pink suit and a string of pearls... when I bent down to her in her wheel chair to say goodbye she said she prayed for me and my husband every day - which I never knew and which made me cry.

This is what I wrote in a blog post the day before, after making a big blackberry and apple crumble to take to the party,

..... for my amazing aunty who is 100 years old and still gracing her huge extended family with the brightness of her blue eyes and the unfailing kindness of her heart.


  1. So sorry, Trish. I remember the post.

  2. Thanks dear Belinda - it's because of your lovely comment at the time that I thought about posting it again.......Tx
