Friday 24 October 2014

The Best Treat of All

In the garden this evening after rain...the sun low in the sky.....nasturtiums, roses, pelargoniums, begonias - still flowering in their pots - like the last stragglers at a party - reluctant to leave but really it's over - the summer a memory -'mellow fruitfulness'  taking its place. Except it's still so warm - don't even need the heating on - only to dry the washing.

Feeling very nourished by my extended birthday treats all this week -  treats of coffees and lemon polenta cake.....  treats of tea and apple pastries...... lunch treats of avocado sandwiches.....and today in a glass walled cafe, a  big bowl of cep and pumpkin risotto -  all of them in the company of dear friends - the best treat of all....

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