Wednesday 30 July 2014

For No Reason

South West France

Dartmoor Devon

Dartmoor Devon

Yerevan Armenia

Art in the sky above Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa

A lovely a town by the sea.....with  three dear friends....celebrating another birthday.....indulging in a cafe lunch ......browsing in the shops.... heart nourished by their company....

This evening I feel bolshie and tired.....resisting the things still to do....watering the garden.....writing the blackberries..... making supper.....Googling places to stay in the Forest of Dean for our week away in September..... ordering homeopathic remedies for my husband's itchy eyes.....

I just want to watch a Meryl Streep DVD, August Osage Country.....but the time has run out now and it's due back at the library tomorrow.....
So maybe I'll keep it..... watch it on Friday...... and pay the fine.......

The sky was so beautiful tonight....soft grey and marbled pink....resisting nothing.....just glowing its glory...... for no reason..... because that's what it does... night after night....not trying to be anything else except its own natural self.

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