Thursday 12 May 2016

A Bus, China and The Open Door

Exmouth promenade tulips.

Driving Robin to The Mede this morning we are talking about transport.

Do you know what a bus is?

Is this a bus?

No it's a car.

At that moment a bus comes towards us. I say, 

That's a bus.

Of course it is, 

he says, recognising  it immediately.

Unfortunately there aren't any handy passing trains to help me explain  about rails and carriages.

Later I sit in a cafe on the Cathedral Green having coffee and chocolate cake
 with 3 dear friends who listen to my troubles and make me laugh.

It's sultry hot and I'm not hungry for lunch so, inspired by my juicing sister, I make myself a green smoothie, zingy with spinach ginger and lime.

I write emails and make phone calls following on from the meeting with our Archangel M about the CHC funding and stairlifts. I leave messages on answer phones and no-one rings back.

There is a thunderstorm while we are having supper. I try and explain it but Robin doesn't seem concerned. I remember a time when he was frightened by the noise in the sky as he couldn't identify it.

When I'm undressing hin to have a shower he says,

Are we going to China tomorrow?

He means Cornwall, and I say not till Saturday.

As I write this I have the door open listening to the sound of his occasional coughing. He's having a cup of tea and a piece of ginger cake in the sitting room while he watches the news. He's supposed to have someone with him while he eats and drinks. I stayed with him for a while on the sofa but it takes him a long long time to eat anything now and I wanted to go to bed. The open door is a compromise. I can  gauge now if the coughing/breathing is getting serious and I can get to him quickly.

All day I've been longing to read a chapter of my novel. But I never made it. And now it's too late. They say sleep is your best medicine. I must start taking it then....just have to finish this first.....

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