Tuesday 5 April 2016

More Angels At My Door/ At My Table/ At A&E

Saturday supper in London - Luscious pistachio and lemon curd cream filled pavlova, decorated with candied lemon peel, 

made by my talented sister in law and

the entertainment  afterwards provided by her talented daughter - all delicious.

On the way home on Sunday I did something I've wanted to do for ages - every time we drive back from London but never have the courage to do - pull over  onto the grass on the side of the road in the queue

of traffic snaking past Stonehenge, get out, run across the queue of traffic coming the other way,

and take photos. The last time I took a photo of Stonehenge was when we visited it in 1987 before there was a fence round it and you could wander through the huge stones and get close up and touch them and feel the ancient awe of them under your fingers.

Today more angels came to my door.  Two of them in dark blue uniforms.  Two  community nurses - actually matrons - bringing such kindness and sympathy and understanding and all their experience about how to get more support for Robin and me. Asking questions to see if he qualifies to start the long and complicated process to apply for Continuing Health Care.

 While Robin slept upstairs, after his morning with out with lovely Age UK supporter, they sat at my table  this afternoon with MC - my wonderful Master of Ceremonies who is making all this happen - revving up the engine in the NHS and the Social services to get us some help....more of an Arch
Angel really. And I wanted to weep with relief that Robin is now really flagged up in the system with all this amazing team of people doing their best for both of us. With or without the money - it doesn't matter  - I still feel we won't slip through the net somehow now.

This evening, when a dear friend brought Robin back from afternoon jaunt out, we drove to A&E to check out no bones broken after his fall yesterday. One of the lovely matrons' suggested it after seeing him and reported to the doctor.  My heart sank when we were told the waiting time was two and a half hours. Robin wanted to wander around but luckily I had brought the iPad so I managed to persuade him to play patience on it for a while. Even more luckily we saw a doctor within an hour, he had a shoulder X-ray - no bones broken - and we were home by 7.30.

More angels carrying me through the long hours of my day and my night....I feel so grateful. And now so tired....

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