Friday 21 August 2015

Tiny Angel, Grime, Post-it Notes and Pushing The Culinary Boat Out

 While I was cleaning our yellow front door early this morning this adorable little Robin red breast hopped out from under the hydrangea bush as if he was curious to see what I was doing. He stayed close for a while.  I felt I'd been visited by a tiny angel.

Late morning we visited the lovely physiotherapist at the doctors' surgery for Robin to learn more exercises to help the movement of his arm and hand. To stop the atrophy of the muscles in his shoulder and the stiffness in his fingers. He asked me to take notes to remind him how to do the exercises. At home I write myself post-it notes and stick them on the mirrors to remind myself to remind him.  I'm likely to forget any new routine.

This afternoon I scrubbed the hard floors in the hall and kitchen...... and cleaned skirting boards and  door frames.....and flushed out all those dusty corners where the spiders live. It made me absurdly  happy  - didn't realise how it was getting me down....  living with unsolved grime.

Tonight there is a crisp nest of pale pavlova meringue drying out in the oven.... on the counter, a  deep bowl of sweet roasted peppers - orange red and yellow - steeping in a garlicky marinade of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and basil......a shallow dish of charcoal striped courgettes - yellow and green  - basking in a lemon, garlic and oregano dressing......and wrapped in foil, two round chocolate sponge cakes waiting for their  butter icing and ganache sandwich filling tomorrow.

Robin's family are coming to lunch and tea tomorrow.....a good reason to push the culinary boat out....especially from a clean kitchen.


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