Tuesday 28 April 2015

Shining The Light

 Yesterday - the apple blossom covering 

our tree at the bottom of the garden, 

a glorious umbrella of pink and white light.

And today against a brief blue sky

before racing grey clouds covered the sun,

and the rain soaked my washing on the line while I was out shopping for new jeans. There are at least eight styles of jeans in Marks and Spencers - none of which suit me and my body shape. I did however find a possible pair of loose wide legged linen trousers to wear to my niece's wedding in the summer - provided I can find a top and shoes....

In the EFT session this afternoon our lovely counsellor says some things which I find really helpful. She uses the Ghandi quote,


  to get across to RC the idea that if you focus on war and conflict and suffering that is what grows. So putting your attention on peace and kindness that is what will flourish. Although you can't change  the pain of the world you can do something about what you think and talk about a lot -  and change that.  RC thinks and talks and feels a lot about the pain of the Second World war.

Just for a little while this afternoon, while we all tapped for healing,  he said he could imagine God's Light shining into all the dark places of the world......that he could shine his own light by remembering peace not war and share his goodness with us. And that could be his gift to the world.

I don't know if he'll remember - but I could remind him. Remind him how he's being a teacher for me too as I learn how to shine....and love him as he is now...and love me as I am now.

Last post for a while as there is no internet access at the Flower House where I'm staying in Cornwall...... having been given this gift of respite by my sister....not planning too much or expecting too much....maybe just do some gentle shining ....and a lot of nothing much... 

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