Friday 10 February 2017


The other day, when my mallard had finished cleaning herself on the dry reeds at  the edge of the pond, she 

struck out across the grass to see what I was doing,

 stopped at my feet and looked up at me, so confident, so curious, maybe thinking my camera was food,

and then turned and waddled back to the pond when I offered her nothing,

passing her mate on the way who had followed behind her,

also curious  - and on patrol. Her shining green knight.

Lying on the massage couch
at the Hospice Care centre
where I'm having my complimentary reflexology 
I drift away
while her small soft fingers
rub fragrant oil
into the skin and soles  
of my feet.

They say all the organs and the bones of the body
are mapped in the feet
the lungs are in the toes
the spine in the ankle
the bladder in the arch.

 that's why
 my eyes are
leaking tears
when she massages 
circles into the
soft padded ball below
my big toe.

 that's where 
the heart is.

that's why it hurts. 
Why it's hard
all day
and walking
on my

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