Wednesday 13 January 2016

My Vibrant Life

 Random photos  - 
South Africa on a hot hot hot day....

I don't  want to pound the cushions with my fists
I don't want to take deep continuous breaths
I don't want to wriggle and shake and shout.

I want to curl into a tight comma
with my arms clutching the boulder of my head 
and weep a thousand tears.

So I do that for a bit - bleeding snot and dribble.

But my gentle teacher keeps talking to me.
The rage, the despair, the fear are all locked in
my cells
 she says, not in my tears.

My vibrant life is shut away in there too
unless I give it a voice 
 A stand-up-and-be-heard voice
 not a whisper.

So in the end ,
because I'm a good girl
and I want to grab my vibrant life
before I dissolve in resignation
before I get ill to escape it,

I rear up over the cushions with the hammer of my fists 
and my voice of fire 
which comes from some
deep,forbidden place 
which screams

I don't want to do it.
I won't do it.
I won't 
I won't 
I won't.

I never say that in my real life.
 I say I don't want to, but do it anyway
 try and make the best of it.

And of course I will.
 I will look after Robin.
  Because I choose to
 not because I have to
knowing now,
 in  my cells
 what I won't and what I will do.
For the sake of 
my vibrant life.

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