Friday 30 May 2014

Tortoise Shell

This tortoise is the first ceramic my husband ever made. When he brought it home we all knew he had a unique talent...

This afternoon we sit in the small haven of our talented intuitive healer who believes nothing in this world is fixed and with divine help anything can change...... and that we always have choices.

She asks my husband to consider the possibility that we all need to feel safe......that unconsciously  the gift of his brain disease, like the shell of a tortoise, is a safe place to hide.  It will always be there.... but it's also a limiting place. And to find a way around the huge rock of his belief of I'm crap, I'm no good and I don't deserve to be here, is to take tiny steps, take little risks, knowing the shell is still there to retreat to. And by doing that he could discover it is also safe in the world -safe to fail and try again.

She guides us through an EFT( Emotional FreedomTechnique) tapping process. Afterwards my husband says he feels excited, energised. He says his little step out of his shell is to go back to making his ceramics for a short time, trusting in divine inspiration....

Later, striding along the sea front to get ahead of the spitting rain, weaving through the half term crowds, licking ice cream cones, I ask my husband what the session was like for him.

Like telling the truth, he says.

It feels like that for me too.

And makes me wonder about my own tortoise shell.....and what is my rock in the way.......and what are my little steps...... and how much, how passionately do I believe I can change?.......


  1. Love the ceramic. Love the idea of having a shell to come out of and retreat back to.

  2. Thanks Belinda - think my shell might have something to do with food....! X
