Friday 8 February 2013

Hot Pink

Our new bathroom tiles..

My washing powder scoop....

Poplar tree from my study window..

Sky view from top landing tonight...

Today hot pink is the colour of my despair.
It began as the sparky scarlet of rising rage....
breaking out in my ribcage
staying there,
not arriving at my tongue
but seeping anyway
into all the breath in the room.
Sitting next to my husband on the sofa,
in separate cages,
a dear friend holding the space for the wonkiness of 
our entanglement,
our entrenchedness,
our distance,
with his lotus kindness.

Soon we will leave the house. Drive a short way in the coldness of the night. Sit in the packed Great Hall on the University campus. Let the music of Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Brahms fall between us - a pink sky blanket.

I know the red will rise again though - it’s always on simmer in me, well lidded. Haven’t found a safe way yet to let volcano bubbles splash out and not burn.

But I will. Otherwise I’m the same as Israel and Palestine on the sofa.....

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