Tuesday 30 July 2019

Not a Tawny Owl... Avian Pox ....And A Year Ago Today.

I didn't see a tawny owl yesterday -  my sister tells me it was a buzzard!  Because it flew out of the same tree where I'd seen the owl the day before, and even though I know that owls don't have yellow hooked beaks and the cry was nothing like a twit/twoo and the shape of it in the sky wasn't quite right, I clearly wanted it to be an owl so much that I led myself astray. 
At least I can recognise a buzzard now.

And maybe the little dead bird wasn't a thrush....there are other birds with speckled chests.....

I think the bird silhouette on the right is a robin ...but I could be wrong. The one on the left could be a blue tit.  I do know the tail on the branch above it belongs to a woodpecker.

It has been raining most of the day and the birds 

who come to the feeder - not nearly so many in the last few weeks - 

are all a bit wet and bedraggled.

And this poor little dunnock has something seriously wrong with it. I think it may be Avian pox which is a skin viral infection. I've just been reading about it. I have already removed some of the bird feeders but it looks like I need to disinfect the whole area. Too late for this little one though. 

It was very wet and misty in the fields this morning, my boots were soaked in minutes.

and I do love the rolled up bales - more than the oblong ones...you are right B, they give the landscape a lovely serene quality.

The sheep were very noisy this morning too...

I don't think I was disturbing them although this one did look me in the eye and baa- ed many times over.

It was a year ago today that I left my old home and moved into this house. I can remember all the details of that day so well.

I thought about it a lot this afternoon as I was unpacking some boxes like these in the kitchen. Except they were upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms  -  full of bed sheets and towels, table cloths and old throws. Thirty years of memories in old linen.
I've kept a few items - the  two blue African print table cloths we bought in a street market in Harare, the bed spread that my parents had on their bed when I was a child and some of the newer duvet covers and pillow cases.

It was so good to fill up six black plastic bags to take to the charity shop...so good to let go of the memories woven into the fabric of those days....and I certainly don't need ten old  hand towels that have  seen better days.
A year ago I wasn't ready to make those decisions. Today I was.

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