Thursday 9 March 2017

A Turnaround.

Exeter Cathedral...

I've been feeling restricted all week by wet cold and windy weather...didn't want to walk out with my camera.

A turnaround today - blue sky, sun warm on my skin, spring returning everywhere as I walk in the park.

And today I missed Robin - properly, achingly - the whole of him, the sweetness of him, his love for me and our life together. It was the first time I could feel him, remember him without the dross of my regrets and  pain and self recrimination clinging to my memories.

A dear friend reminded me of the strength of our long connection. Her image of a thick looping rope from  boat to shore, frayed at the edges of course -  the split ends of our differences -  but not sharp enough to snap us, really helped me to remember what matters in this cauldron of grieving. To have loved like this......

 A grateful turnaround....the return of spring.

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