Thursday 18 June 2015

Cotton Bud/Small White Maggot



 our garden oregano.

Down by the river Otter this afternoon in sunshine and shade -  walking off last night's lost sleep - encouraging husband not to eat the hedgerows.

Spent last night in the A&E at the hospital. Mostly in the waiting room. Waiting for the doctor to look down Robin's ear and hoick out the end of the cotton bud lodged in there.  Cotton bud in his ear - steam coming out of mine. I'm cross and tired - it's 12.30pm and we've just been told it'll be a two hour wait to see the doctor. Robin says he wants to go home. I bribe him to stay with snacks from the vending machine.  But no coffee as the machine is broken. A few people sit slumped in the plastic covered chairs, heads in hands  - waiting like us.

I read The South West Herald, Cat Monthly and Hello Magazine while Robin tuts and sighs and apologises endlessly beside me. This has happened before. He's been banned from cotton buds but he has found a way..... The problem is his itchy ears. He's agreed to stick to ear drops instead now.

At 2am we are called in to the ward. The young doctor peers into Robin's ear with a pointy torch and pointy forceps. She can't get it out...... calls for the Ear/Nose/Throat man who comes twenty minutes later with another pointy bendy instrument. He looks about 12 years old but digs out the offending cotton bud like a small white maggot. The relief - for both of us - is like drawing breath for the first time.

Back home and in bed by 3am where I remember to take more deep breaths and give up being cross.

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