Thursday 21 May 2015

The Hungry Gap Is Over

The hungry gap is over - all these fresh young things in the farmers' market this morning ( the radishes are ours from the allotment). Can't wait to use the green garlic.

All the way through the EFT session this afternoon Robin speaks quietly, fluently, in loops. No obscenities. He says he's been talking to some young people in his head - asking for help. After the tapping, our councillor tells him about the experiments with the effects of good and bad treatment of water.

Two glasses of water.
One glass is harangued, criticised, hated every day by a group of people.
Freeze the water. Cut into the ice and under a microscope you see a muddled, dark, discordant pattern of crystals.
The other glass of water is loved and cherished and appreciated every day by a group of people.
Freeze the water. Cut into the ice and under a microscope you see a clear, shining, beautiful pattern of crystals.

As our bodies are made up of something like 80 percent water, imagine what power we have with our words to create our world.

So when Robin says to himself out loud 'You s***** f*******a******', he lowers his vibration, and mine and those of the people around him and actually of the world. So it is a darker place to be for all of us.

And when he says You are so wonderful and I love you, he raises his vibration and mine and those of the people around him and actually of the world. So it is a brighter place to be for all of us. 

He says it all makes sense. We suggest it's something he can do to make a contribution to the world - to feel useful again.

In the car driving home after eating  our ice cream cones, watching the long slow waves crash onto the pebbles, he only says You s***** f****** a******* once and then he remembers.

 I turn up the volume of Handel's Water Music..... wind the windows down.....let in the hot breeze.... and he beats out the rhythm, with his teeth, with his hands on his thighs, on the dashboard in front of him,  singing along to the tune with different words which sound  clear and shining and beautiful....

You are so wonderful and I love you. 

Maybe another hungry gap is over  - for the moment.

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