Monday 10 November 2014

Talisman Moon

When I ask my husband what he likes most about our holiday he says walking to the supermarket to buy biscuits.
What I like most is walking barefoot in the sand, the sound of the crashing ocean always in my ears.

We both love the moon though, which waxes full during our stay, a constant, swelling talisman high above us day and night.   

Now we are home - little rivers of rain streaming down the newly painted walls of our kitchen - the plastic roof still leaking through the newly replaced lead flashing.

This afternoon I  scream out the storm of my grief, my hate, into a safe white cushion.....shake off the mask of  my niceness and dip into the constant lake of love hidden below it then I can receive a wonderful rose and ylang ylang oil massage from the gentle hands of my family constellation healer. 

I drive home with sticky hair and mascara streaked cheeks feeling exhausted but tingling alive at the same time...... no sign of our talisman moon though.

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