Thursday 27 March 2014


In the wake....Doubtful Sound, NZ

Doubting I have anything to say... I remembered this joy of a poem by Samantha Reynolds and found these crumbs...................

The room with the lights turned low is bubbling with seated conversations.
You stand, you clap your hands. The voices hush and the faces turn to you.
Ladies and Gentlemen you announce in your big best tones.
And you say Thank You in the way that you do, with your hands clasped at your heart, with your smile reaching out.
Thank you to these friends. For their cards and their gifts, for the fruit birthday cake and the tender hearted biscuits.

And for their love in your life.

Which flows over to me at the back of the room, melting with gratitude, and praying that words don't let you down or you repeat yourself too much.
Or that my secret, shameful fears for you will tarnish this night.

A manifesto for the uncreative

When your brain
feels clotted as gum
just make something

steal an idea
and let your mind dangle
in the invisibleness of it

take your pen
or a tree
and stare at it
until it starts telling
you secrets

clap your hands
until they burn

you will unstick
only by prying
yourself open

and if all you find inside
are crumbs
then set the table
and feast.


  1. When you write, it comes from your heart, and it's what only you can say.
