Tuesday 28 February 2012

Taps and Walls

28th February 2012 Tuesday

Tonight my supper is mostly pink. Smoked salmon pate sandwiches - this morning’s trials for Friday’s thanksgiving - gulp-fuls of strawberry yogurt ( Yeo Valley Organic for which I have a weakness) and six ice cold cherries. My husband is eating his sandwiches in the car on his way to Dartmoor - I have asked him to give me feedback on the filling. I think it may need a bit more black pepper.

This afternoon I leave my coaching session feeling lighter - carrying two images to help me with my overwhelm and my resistance .......

When I feel full up, right to the top of my skull, and panicky with so much to do - I could just turn on the taps in the soles of my feet - let a bit out, make space inside. They are big brass taps - very easy to open and close.

When my wall of resistance is at it’s highest and strongest I could reach up and take out one NO brick and see if there is a YES on the other side. I could take the hand my husband is offering and walk beside him for a while instead of dragging my feet, looking over my shoulder in case there is something better behind.

I can’t really lose now - since I thought I’d lost everything already. Opening my taps - letting out fear - making room for trust..... one drip at a time.

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