Monday 12 September 2011


12th September 2011 Monday

Late this afternoon I peel apples, sitting on the patio wall - my bare feet planted in the wet grass - the sun hot on my hair. I watch an earth worm inching and hitching its way through the weeds and dandelions following the curve of the bricks. I’m transfixed by the ringed ripples of its pale supple body. Behind me in the kitchen I can smell the pots boiling on the hob - sharp pungent chutney, earthy beetroot, beany borlotti beans and in the oven - sweet red tomatoes roasting with basil. Today I can love this September bounty instead of feeling burdened by it.

Last night, after my dear cousins had left, I watched a clip of Joan Halifax - an inspirational Buddhist teacher who works with people in the last stages of life - talking about compassion. She said to be able to accompany another in their suffering you cannot be attached to the outcome - that you need a strong back and a soft front - resilient but your heart undefended. I have noticed how for me old and present fears have made me rigid, tight - like the pain in my back - which keeps me upright but not very bendy, not very receptive. Maybe I could learn a lot from that earth worm.....

The link for Joan Halifax is

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