Thursday 10 June 2010

Thursday 10th June

Day 52

They are having a BBQ next door in spite of threatening pigeon grey skies and a cold wind which is bending the foxgloves in our garden.The smell of charred meat - although I don’t eat it - is more enticing than our supper. It’s waiting on the hob for my husband who is outside painting his clay model cat before the clouds release their rain.

I’ve been too busy all day to think about supper. So we are having an olipadreida - my mother’s name for a mixed up meal - anything goes in. In this case a stir fry of what’s left in the fridge. Not very inspiring. But as I swirl vegetables around with my wooden spoon the red of the chilli pepper and the green of the spinach remind me of the scarlet begonia I planted yesterday in our hanging basket by the front door. Mending the gaping wound in the black earth. And softening my heart.

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