Thursday 7 June 2018

Minimum Decision. Maximum Permission.

I wish you could smell the heavenly perfume of these graceful roses flowing over the back fence. They were here when we came 15 years ago. I will miss them.

Sad about House of Fraser closing so many of its stores. Much worse for me is that when I was buying broad beans in the farmers' market this morning I found out that it was the last ever market for  one of the two organic vegetable stalls -  Linscombe Farm - which is not going to grow vegetables any more. I spoke to the young owners who have been growers for the last 21 years. They say it's no longer financially worth it and they can't make a living from it.
 But what is going to happen to all those wonderful veggies bursting out of the soil at the beginning of the best season of the year? 
I feel quite heartbroken about it.

I was given some very helpful advice this morning from two dear friends who can see the tizz  I'm in about this limbo of neither here nor there.
Minimum decision making. Maximum permission to take my time.
It's the decisions that slay me - not doing the work. It's the pressure I put myself under to do everything at once.

So I'm not going to buy a new double bed.

I'm not going to sort though and de-clutter every cupboard and drawer and all Robin's papers and belongings and decide what to keep and what to throw away. If I'm not sure I will take it with me and store it in the garage till I have the mental space and emotional strength to do it.

 I won't make any plans about re-modelling my new home and garden till I get there. Except for getting the pipes fixed and the washing machine connected.

And just manage the next email, phone call, appointment, meal, cupboard, at a time.  Repeating ( when I remember)  my current Louise Hay affirmation - 

 I'm totally adequate for all situations and I love and approve of myself.

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