Friday 29 April 2016

Old and Silly

I don't remember buying these tulips or even planting them.  Must have been last winter.But there they are in a big blue glazed pot in the garden surviving hail and wind and sun. Bringing me huge pink pleasure every time I look out of the kitchen window.

A dear angel sends me a beautiful picture with these words printed across it

focus on ways to love yourself.

 They filter in and out of mind...wondering how on earth I can do that as I hurtle and bumble through my day.....not sure I can remember what it is I love.

 I'm knocked off balance by a letter from the consultant saying his diagnosis is "Probable MND" and has booked Robin in for another 5 days of IVG in hospital to rule out the other diagnosis. However he says clinically everything points to MND.

I give up.  Robin is out with lovely brother-in-law so I plan to walk into town to have my haircut. But then I get distracted by looking up Elephant Jokes on the internet to send to a friend who needs cheering up. They make me laugh too - I remember them from the sixties - they are old and silly. I decide it's loving myself to laugh rather than walk today.

This is one of my favourites.

Q: Why did the elephant cross the road?

A: Chicken's day off.

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