Wednesday 6 August 2014


Doubtful Sound, New Zealand.

I wasn't going to open my emails this evening. This morning I had a reflexology session with a lovely intuitive woman who said, as she massaged my toes - which was excruciatingly painful - that  I was carrying the distress of a past lifetime.....but she could release it.

 At the end of the session I picked a Rune - the symbol for  Harvest/Fertile Season/One Year - the rune of beneficial outcomes or any endeavour to which you are committed.... but also cultivate the seed you planted with care. It also cautions patience and not to be like the farmer who was so keen to assist his crops that he went out at night and tugged up the new shoots to see if they were growing. 

 I don't know if she did release all the emotions trapped deep in my toes, but this evening I was so tired - maybe weeding at the allotment for two hours in the hot sun contributed - I nearly fell asleep in the bath could do nothing except sit on the sofa in a haze.

After a while I felt I could open my computer after all  and I'm so glad I did - all my tiredness disappeared in an instant. In among the other emails was one with a title

We are getting married!!!!

from my youngest niece on her way home from a surprise visit to Stockholm organised by her boyfriend who chose yesterday, her 30th birthday, as the day to romantic....

Congratulations, Dear Ones.

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