Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Pure Joy Of Her

This is my three month old great-niece honouring me with her smile.......the pure joy of can only feel unbounded love in her presence as if nothing else exists in this moment....

I've been thinking about Chuck Spezzano's April Newsletter ( Psychology of Vision). He says...

Practise being happy this month. Want it with all your heart. Choose it. Manifest for it. Notice when you are having a hard time. When you even think you will have a hard time choose ease and happiness instead. Commit to see and feel happiness, fun and light instead.

My husband had a hard, sad day today. I wanted to make it better for him. I didn't know how to be happy in the aura of his distress. Instead I stopped myself worrying that he didn't go to his ceramics class, that he slept for hours that he didn't want to eat much, that he looked tired and miserable.

And while I sucked up the layers of dust on the raspberry pink carpet in the room where I do the ironing..... and talked to our decorator about repairing the damp stains on the ceiling..... and cut up leeks and chunks of butternut squash for supper .......I thought about him choosing his sadness..... and that he isn't stealing my happiness.....only I can do that. 

Or I can choose to remember my radiant great-niece and fill up with the joy of her instead...

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