Monday 7 April 2014

Getting Ready

The first tulips coming out in the garden....

There's a white plastic baby's bath sitting at the bottom of our bath. There's a  big pink box of toys in the dining room and a little chair in the kitchen to fit onto a big chair so she can eat at the table. She's my  gorgeous 17 month old great-niece, and she and her mother and her grandma are coming to stay for a few days.  So I've been getting ready for them.

The way I get ready for visitors is to clean things like the front door and the lamp shades and to cook an unnecessarily large amount of food. Today I used a lot of coconut milk- in a Thai fish curry....... and an experiment with substituting coconut milk for cream in a creme brulee..... and whisking up the solid white stuff that separates out from the watery stuff in a tin of coconut milk with some vanilla  essence and maple syrup to make velvety light coconut cream to fill meringues.  Thank you Angela at Oh She Glows ( I can't seem to get the links to work on my blog however much I try...) so you'll have to look her up - very inspiring vegan food.

So they will be arriving soon after a long, tiring journey in the dark from Luton.....and I don't expect to be blogging again for a while.....

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