Wednesday 15 January 2014

Photo Dieting/ Dental Serendipity/Coconut & Garlic Greens

Nearly full moon and sun going down on our river walk at Otterton on Saturday.

 Last night a news flash on my laptop  - 

Your start -up disc is nearly full.....need to delete files...

It's the 11,000 photos that are stored on my computer, and which I add to every week, that are causing the problem. Our lovely Mr Fixit comes this afternoon and we make a start at making Gigabites from the trash, from downloads, from music, from stuff I didn't even know I had.

It's another kind of de-cluttering  - deleting photos - realise I could take fewer or at least dump the rubbish ones before they ever get near my computer. But that means making least favourite activity. The timing is perfect though - going to New Zealand with a camera for me is like living in a Patisserie in Paris - but this time on a budget.....will need to do some photo dieting....

More perfect timing today. I had a dental check-up appointment booked for this morning but I cancelled it yesterday - too much NZ stuff to do. Last night, while eating a plain salted crisp, I felt a piece of grit on my tongue - blamed the potato pickers - then felt the ragged edge of my back tooth and the sharp cavity where my filling had been. This morning I called the dentist and my appointment was still now I have a smooth filled tooth again.... dental serendipity.

On a foodie note - this is how I'm cooking leafy greens at the moment - inspired by a friend's recipe at New Year. Steam a big pan of chopped chard, Neroli cabbage, spinach, kale or purple sprouting broccoli then tip into a clean pan. Crush or finely chop several cloves of garlic, stir into the hot greens with a spoonful of coconut oil, heat till the oil melts and scrunch with sea salt and black pepper. Raw garlic -  great for our colds.  Coconut oil great for husband's brain.

(My friend used grated parmesan in place of the coconut oil - also delish if you are eating dairy.)


  1. Hope you had wonderful time, both? The photo through the dogwood or willow made me gasp out loud. Beautiful. You really should be selling packs of cards - I'd buy loads! Thanks too for the kale etc recipe - we eat a lot of it - and I do similarly but add a little grated ginger too (good for the circulation including to brain...) Roselle x

  2. Oh Roselle I just found you here! Thank you for your enthusiasm for my photos - so encouraging. I took more than 800 in NZ and am still editing them - we had a wonderful time! Great ginger tip for greens thanks. X
